Saturday, March 23, 2013

Taking Stock

This is a book I worked on for my Artists' book class this semester. The idea was to catalogue all my belongings in Iowa City and categorize them according to the materials used in their making. I have slowly become overwhelmed by the amount of material possessions I own, thinking about what will live on after I die, what will decompose and disintegrate, what I would take with me if there was a fire or a flood, what would survive what wouldnt, what of what I own is the most important to me and what defines its importance. All these thoughts came together to make this piece.

I started out by doing some rough drawings just to catalogue everything I owned. After alot of editing, I scratched them out onto negative film to get them ready for polymer plate making

After a lot of thought, I decided to categorize them according to the materials used to produce them

The categories were 100% metal - mostly metal; 100% plastic - mostly plastic; organic : cloth, wood, glass, edible and mixed materials which included things like cords, wires, laptops, phones etc.

The plate right before washing. It was exciting to see that it actually turned out!

The finished book! Inset title

Accordion open


For scale

Details of materials made of 100% Metals - Mostly Metals

Details of Organic : Food, Glass